Friday, December 12, 2008


I discovered that my transliteration 'link' here on the blogspot causes me post to come out in hindu, so this morning I quit it, the 'link' that is. today's full moon is supposed to be the epigee of full moons: apparently noone can explain the illusion of the larger visual image as the moon rises, say, compared with a later alignment during the day. At least that is what I read on msn this am. What do you think? My own belief is its a big plot to make capital out of our beliefs by the big kahoona (government/business) as per usual! This morning a lady I know approached me to ask if I would take out books from the library (zimmerman) as it turns out her library card was at home. it didn't quite ring true for me and, of course I suspected a secret plot to make me stop what I was doing (surfing the internet for news) and in so doing I discovered, serendipitously, my bank card from the UK which was a mystery. what was it doing lieing in my wallet? read next weeks edition to complete the story and its consequences...

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