Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Reflections on the dancing mood!

'Serously"is a word I have almost gotten used to hearing here in the US except that whenever I do hear it I imagine some high school 'non-seríous' glib high-spirited conversation between consenting young adults bantering about homework but definetly not more 'serious' than serous banter! I understood this phrase eventually when sharing rooms with some college student types who would constantly refer to this (lame) expression although they were brothers (seriously) and immigrants and 'for sure' (another one) speaking a kind of creol for the benefit of listeners and, probably, girls! (Hey!). So my point is or should be that its easy for me to get distracted by this sort of bantering because I read a lot and discuss a lot and still am not able to slide off in this direction very literarily/easily. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me and I unfortunately resent being addressed in these seemingly confusing terms, whether of endearment or not isn't the point! Naturally its also the case that others see me as a frustrating 'lstener and ask me to spell incredibly abstruse words, such as in the GMAT exam to test my unfailing memory on vocabulary. I didn't anticipate getting this deeply into the subject but, bottom line is I felt like blowing off steam in this/that direction. Amen!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

caveat emptor

Since writing this AM it was decided that three saturday night parties was just too much fun. However I will probably go home and get some much needed sleep. To hell with it all! Amen!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Winter Solstice

The longest night of the year and the goddess of femeninity come sailing along right on time for that oddly mood of omnipotence and shady light reminds me distintly of a more northern land, such as in europe, dark Wales and the EU. The school is eerily quiet as stidents flit away like vampire bats into the night to see family and friends. I like this isolating aspect of the holidays and am not in the least bit afraid of being alone, in fact I welcome this opportunity to be with my thoughts and reflections. today we, theo walker, David briggs and I went for our annual feast at the Gyros greek restaurant across the street on Harvard where we tucked into some massive greek food. It was a blast!

I quit writing the applications for fellowships after getting bogged down after two years of trying. I will apply again but next year sounds more realistic as some of the fellowships pay up to $10,000/57,000 and one for poetry is $100,000. Still working or rather re-working the proposal to UNM Press for my book/biography of the navy guy and this time I have a contact who is the acquisitions editor at the press who I met by accident at a conference. Healthwise things are still going well and I exercise every day and find the biggest challenge to diet and eating well. My friend in New Orleans recently sent me a painting which is a butterfly painting with a 'saigon' background of jungle leaves. it is a batique I believe made with wax and a beautiful boxwood frame. It will hang in my library after I get my own place down the road. Next year my state pension comes through so life will be a little changed for the good at that time. In New Orleans baby Callum is getting big: he will be two in February 23. (Laetitia is taking biology classes) I may have the opportunity to go to NOLA in the new year as a volunteer with the crossraods mission who I worked with last year. Have to start saving my pennies!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Since posting the State Pension bridge loan item on sunday it became apparent that not everyone can access this mightyathom blogspot so I recommend people to look up the website for the MacArthur Fellowship website @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacArthur_Fellowship
and pass that information on to others who may like to investigate this secretive organization for their own knowledge and benefit as well as my own, for future use... Hopefully it will benefit those readers and educate the ones who really need to find out what makes the foggy world of grants and scholarship tick, or at least keep them informed! Amen!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

State Pension bridge loan

As I write this I am very conscious of the late full moon which hit us either for a six (good cricket phrase) or for a ? in baseball terminology. So, then the latest news is now available as to my state of mind regarding this post-lunar reflection for anyone, friend or foe, who would or could even care two hoots.

As of November 12th 2009 I will be eligible for a state pension (from the UK) and, having made that comment have to tell you that I have only until April 9th 2009 to come up with a lump sum, roughly 2000 GBP or $4000 dollars in arrears which will enable the UK government to give me a maximum of the minimum pension, roughly $600 a month which is the equivalent of Social Security in the US.

Why an arrears payment and the root cause of a need at all for a bridge loan?

I managed to contribute 18 years out of the 44 years I could pay as a male into the National Health Insurance plan for a FULL STATE PENSION. Apparently, recent laws in the UK will allow me to pay off two more years in a lump sum by this date (4/9/09) to make up for the lack of contributions. THEN, if I can pay this sum off in time, that will make me eligible for a maximim UK state pension by only paying a further lump sum contribution into the treasury coffers of the UK government.

Thus, I am asking for contributions, loans, and offerings from anyone who feels safe in making this happen within the 4 month period between now and then, obviously they will be repaid as the lifetime inheritance become due in November of 2009. A safe bet.

PS Other micro managers in Ortega 351D have alternatively suggested a recommendation for David as in a MacArthur Fellowship-see below )


Friday, December 12, 2008


I discovered that my transliteration 'link' here on the blogspot causes me post to come out in hindu, so this morning I quit it, the 'link' that is. today's full moon is supposed to be the epigee of full moons: apparently noone can explain the illusion of the larger visual image as the moon rises, say, compared with a later alignment during the day. At least that is what I read on msn this am. What do you think? My own belief is its a big plot to make capital out of our beliefs by the big kahoona (government/business) as per usual! This morning a lady I know approached me to ask if I would take out books from the library (zimmerman) as it turns out her library card was at home. it didn't quite ring true for me and, of course I suspected a secret plot to make me stop what I was doing (surfing the internet for news) and in so doing I discovered, serendipitously, my bank card from the UK which was a mystery. what was it doing lieing in my wallet? read next weeks edition to complete the story and its consequences...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

I am feeling better but somewhat challenged (frustrated?) by events and know that patience will pay off eventually (famous last-cynical-words)! Really I am hopeful but I'm feeling as if its possible to do so much more with my time! Thats the trouble, there is a lot of time, and I reflect it could be like an imprisonment sometimes, self-imposed of course. I'm just rambling! Still I did get some wordperfect translation done today but not quite satisfied. I went to see the movie/documentary Blacklisted on the American writer Dalton Trumbo. Even though it was 50 something years historically ago one can still feel the silence on that era in todays TV news, newspapers/media, policies. Like a big black hole in the story of US politics and the movie cited Kirk Douglas @ 90 years of age saying how in the film Sparticus (1960) the name of DT in the credits was significant. Amen! I have also been caught up with reading and rediscovering Margret Duras mainly becaise I received my 'Saigon' painting Madam Butterfly from NOLA and the turtle! It now hangs in the UNM Fine Arts Museum along with the portrait of Jack Melville I bought a couple years back (inset). Art and literature make my days interesting as well as walking... By the way it was cool to hear how DT was able to evade his just punishment by using alternative names/ghostwriter to make ends meet or perhaps at least to join them in interesting ways to provide for his family needs. More later... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apdgsxdlZhw

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Its early morning after showering and cleaning my teeth I am reflective of yeaterdays activities. Picking up madam butterfly (saigon) I am transported with the feeling of vietnam and margret duras. why? this is is not yet apparent! memory plus mood and the stress of the last few weeks esp that holiday we have not supported called thanksgiving. don't mean to sound negative and yet all that 'stuff'y food and an upset stomach (tummy-mom/mother?) made me grouchy as I had made a strict point of eating well up until that sudden shocking separation from diet and exercise routine which the holiday forced on my system! Amen! Its stil early morning...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


These are my books: http://worldcat.org/search?q=wilde+david...

myspace: http://www.myspace.com/wildedave


I just discovered that I need a blog like I need a hole in the head. Having said that I now want to try to discover if there are any other blogger-heads like me who don't have a clue as to the next blessed thing to add coherently which will make sense to all the people on this planet internet who do understand what the ??? they are doing here in the first place! I am adding a website for clarity for those who may like to investigate this 'discovery' further to find out if there is any truth whatsover in what I claim to be true! http://www.artmajeur.com/davidwilde