Monday, November 15, 2010

In Memorium - Fernando Garavito 1944-2010

“El Espectador”

Les Caracteres
(Jean de la LaBruyer)


David Wilde

In Memorium

Wilde Publishing © (2011)
PO Box 4581
NM 87196

“El Espectador: Les Caracteres”
(Jean de la LaBruyer)

in spanish the poetry
wanted to sing because
fernando was conducting
the maestro who knew
a thing or two about
words long or short
loud or soft both high
and low but not at the same
time except when needed and
then sometimes not –

the not needed tended to be
or not what the maestro needed
but rarely was what he got from
his adversaries back home.
the dog without a bone of contention -

issues of state never hate –
to chew on or at –
by passing the hat or the plate along
no taking the blame
because the flame had been lit already –

fires of passion exposing
the news of corruption and graft of fraud
back home the tome by which Fernando
was denied directed deferred
run out of town

circus the clowns in charge leading the
fray a shambles a hoax of proportions so grand
to belittle the imagination.

the people tho shocked
only mocked
the state of affairs
the lack of control
the cheats at the polls
who took crime for
a spin

…conducting the poem
the baton slipped strayed into
characters from the past
describing other matters
now lost to history

the mystery of the diplomat
the matter of the (pacifica) bank
to which there are no answers
expressed in gigantic headlines
ELESPECTADOR – the music the score

the three act opera bespeaking
the squeaky lion the mouse with a roar
“in spanish the poetry wanted to sing…”

to bring accountability to the more
than un-necessarily unfair voices
un-level wetness from a mere
drop of rain to the gushing
Iguazu Falls

a chorus from a blazing sky to the dazzling
scarlet floor of parted pouring waters –
bloody tears of yore (past) and accountability –

"in spanish the poetry wanted to sing"
to bring accountability to the vulnerable
to the masses to break the bloody silence
galloping sheep-like - tilted like a flying windmill -

more than to an unnecessarily unfair voice
un-level fields of wetness from a mere
drop of rain to the gushing Iguazu Falls (tilted)
from a blazing sky to the dazzling floor
of parted pouring waters

the poetry class in which I sat
with fernando –invited
the praxis of law and science (galore)
inspecting languages
to underscore justice
and to implore one to practice
the equality of door-to-door
humility –
writing poetry

in spanish the poetry wanted to sing
and to bring humanity to
her knees begging forgiveness
asking for mercy pleading her just cause

in spanish the poetry wanted to
sing angelic phrases as
fernando passed the baton along
on to better things to high applause
in my poetry class (spanish)
with the maestro –

the poetry class in which I sat
with my good friend the teacher
the conductor the maestro -

not right not wrong nor black and white
the maestro convinced me and taught me
to sing

in both english and spanish were married by a
cast- iron ring of certainty and truth
the poetry the score - richness the privileged
the power of the pen – the staining ink –
to express my divided feelings

in spanish the poetry invited me to sing
like a knock on the door the uninvited guest
like a charlie chaplain-esque figure
sancho panza on tour a champion conductor
a boxer
a george Bernard shaw -
of literary jousts – of literature unbounded

in spanish the poet wants us to sing as we weep/
wept like she did
then let us bring to the table the hopes
that we fling aside
and begin to remember the blessing
of spanish which wants us to laugh cry
(or to sing)

to express our earthly joy in her worldly voice
for fernando the poet our conductor
in his heavenly loft
now this lofty choir-boy.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Czech Republic travels (travesia)

some interesting journal (periodista) articles for the czech republic caught my attention this morning after a brief chat with M on the SKYPE webste.

since now I am 3 times the legal limit as of yesterday 11/12/2010