Sunday, April 11, 2010

One Day in April : An Irish Lullaby (Amazon Reviews)

One Day in April : An Irish Lullaby (Amazon Reviews)

Possibly a classic?
by Geoffrey Barrett (Amazon user published 2004-06-25 )

This book is definitely not an easy read, but it is short. Indeed, I cannot say that I have quite finished it myself. Yet, it certainly receives five stars for its originality. It is one of a kind. While entitled "One Day in April," it actually spans an undeterminable (or maybe I just haven't determined...)

This book is definitely not an easy read, but it is short. Indeed, I cannot say that I have quite finished it myself. Yet, it certainly receives five stars for its originality. It is one of a kind. While entitled "One Day in April," it actually spans an undeterminable (or maybe I just haven't determined it) period of time. The book is littered with the self-reflections of the omnipotent narrator (the author? a supreme higher being? who knows?). Here is an example:
"Meanwhile, in an interlude, in the hinterland of Albuquerque, at a local Cafe, the consumate question of purpose, came to bear on why a novel should ever be written, or why he, the novelist should write at all, especially here."

is this joyce? many would argue no. But, like much of joyce's work, this one begs for explanation.

The quote in the dedication really sums up the experience one feels while reading this book:

"A word is not like a butterfly you can stick with a pin on a board."

It is written by David Wilde, the author of the eclectic biography, "the Life and Times of EC Zeke Cortez."

For those with a taste for something different and willing to take a chance.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Decided to add some Amazon/Bartnes and Noble websites so that folk interested in reading my 'stuff'/work can access them thru this convenient and simple online and available method of surfing the internet. Why not, indeed?