Dear David, we will have a reading from our book that has finally arrived. You will be mentioned as will all the other participants.
The reading will take place on Jan. 20, 2010, 7 p.m. at the Austrian Society for Literature, Herrengasse 5, in A- 1010 Vienna. Please let the two doctors know.
Kind regards and Happy New Year, Peter
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
New Blog: Dec 2009
Well... I will always recall delightedly that my da's family in Wales would typically start a sentence with these well-worn and polished sounds: "well..." A bit like another friend who recently passed away into the next world going and answering by the English sounding name of Larry Miller. An archivist and part-time blacksmith at the Rancho de las Golandrinas living history museum up near to the racecourse near Santa Fe called The Downs! Both had the facility to astonish with these opening words. I am fast come from the Flying Star restaurant (at the end of the universe) on Route 66/Cental Avenue having consumed heartily a breakfast bought by the young Shean White a friend from church whose wife is a 'dula'. A trade off for a CD I gave to him earlier at the Aquinas Newman Craft Fair in November when the parent and adults group were also having a meeting of some religious formation character about them. Todays event was a meeting with Angie King, prospective daughter to Tanya, and registered professional nutritionist who was telling me about the 30 'dirty' and 15 'clean' words in the vocabulary of healing. Mainly because of the polluting of the world's oceans and waters by unscrupulous big businesses. Also Angie has decided against using make-up also a hazardous waste producer and pollutant chemically and medium in the world's atmosphere. Also I record the passing of Zeke Cortez whose life biography I have been recording now for almist 13 years not quite non-stop but close and that too happened in August as well.
I have to pause in thinking about these two people in my life who have affected the way I look at time spent here in the southwest usa and historical interest which grew out of these friendships in New Mexico. Comparing my own life makes little sense in this light except to continue to write and prepare for grace or ignomy...
New Year is approaching fast and soon will be past and also a 'history'.
I have to pause in thinking about these two people in my life who have affected the way I look at time spent here in the southwest usa and historical interest which grew out of these friendships in New Mexico. Comparing my own life makes little sense in this light except to continue to write and prepare for grace or ignomy...
New Year is approaching fast and soon will be past and also a 'history'.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Turning 65
How do you know Shelly Smith? Is the question to the answer about friends in and around the Duke city of course circa 2009 which is creeping creepily forward to the great debacle of 2012 of which we are all one and (the rest) waiting for with and without a baited breath! It means what are we waiting for? Well the great question is looming but having a great and wonderful evening out with pscychiatrist friend and translator Florian made a good night. Naturally at Il Vicino the in-crowd 'joint' on Route 66 and being put to the pscychometry of a questionaire as well as meeting up with Wilmer (aka Bill) the surgeon and cricket/rugby fiend with Jack the brother and arch-actor, dramatist and benevolent poet at large being present. Turning 65 is like turning 75 or 15 quite honestly not a lot of difference, mentally that is, between the different slots along the allotted path of fate, fortune, and whatever else is in the can of worms about to explode in our errant faces. Notice we didn't use the word (I forget which word) but it was used by a brazilian recently at a lecture and she had an amazingly British accent. The reason I can't rememeber the word that is. Keep watching and reading for some amazing translations into the Czech language coming up next...
Thursday, July 30, 2009
be cool be calm be happy...
Poetry for NOW. Poesia de la Frontier by david. Watch it on MySpace Videos.
websites for readers and writers...
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Poesía de la frontera: INTRODUCCION.
Poesía de la frontera(Segunda parte)INTRODUCCIÓN
Nuevo México, la poesía y sus puentes portátilesHéctor Contreras López
OTROS ÁMBITOS (La sección OTROS ÁMBITOS continúa en la página siguiente)
DECIR DEL AGUA / Segundo ciclo / Séptima entrega / Julio de 2008 Lilia Luján:Fusiones. Técnica mixta sobre lienzo, 2006, 80 x 100 cms.Sección a cargo de Héctor Contreras López, editor invitadoTextos seleccionados por Héctor Contreras López y Jesús J. BarquetAunque la muestra de poesía de Nuevo México que los lectores tienen ante sí no es una selección representativa (la poesía nativoamericana es un ejemplo), sí nos ofrece muy claramente la diversidad de orígenes y experiencias, de estilos y temas que caracterizan la poesía neomexicana actual. Los dos polos urbanos que aglutinan la práctica vital de los poetas aquí incluidos son Albuquerque y Las Cruces. Una buena parte del universo que sus textos nos presentan proviene de estos espacios urbanos; sin embargo, sus voces también cruzan los límites de la ciudad para encontrarse cara a cara con la historia local y sus resonancias emocionales en un paisaje desértico o montañoso, en los pueblos o en otras ciudades más allá del cambiante horizonte. Después de todo, la historia neomexicana incluye el aporte cultural de familias que jamás cruzaron la frontera y que después de la firma del Tratado de Guadalupe Hidalgo se quedaron a vivir en un espacio que desde entonces han considerado familiar. Por otro lado, Nuevo México es rico en transplantes antiguos y recientes, en individuos y familias que han llegado casi por accidente y que se han quedado, enraizándose profundamente, trayendo consigo los ecos de otras voces, de otros lugares junto con sus historias, como varios de los poetas reunidos aquí lo ejemplifican.Durante la época colonial, el Camino Real fue la vía que permitió la comunicación y el intercambio comercial entre el norte de Nuevo México, la Ciudad de México y todos los puntos intermedios. A diferencia de nosotros, los viajeros se ocupaban de otro tipo de fronteras, como los Médanos de Samalayuca, la Jornada del Muerto o el Río Bravo/Grande; la difusa frontera política estaba en otra parte. Esta relación tan estrecha entre el suroeste de los Estados Unidos y el norte de México nos dice, por ejemplo, que en lugar de estar alzando muros, deberíamos estar construyendo más puentes; la poesía y la traducción son dos de los puentes portátiles que han acompañado a una gran cantidad de viajeros, dondequiera que han tenido que cruzar cualquier tipo de frontera.Es a través de poemas como estos que podemos viajar a Europa, a México, a Centro y Sudamérica; es a través de la traducción que podemos reconocernos en los otros, que podemos leernos también a nosotros mismos, iguales y diferentes a la vez.Al invitarlos a participar en este proyecto, varios de los poetas nos comentaron con asombro e interés que esta sería la primera vez que sus poemas iban a ser traducidos al español. El desconocimiento, la resistencia que nuestras sociedades esgrimen, nos dicen mucho sobre los muros invisibles que han existido por mucho tiempo en esta y en otras fronteras. Pero esta novedad relativa de la traducción de poesía también nos habla de todas las posibilidades que tenemos ante nosotros. No se trata solamente de que el español siga siendo una fuerza viva dentro de los Estados Unidos (cosa de la que los mismos hablantes se están haciendo cargo); se trata también de que lo que se escribe en inglés, la poesía, en este caso, pueda encontrar sus lectores entre un público de habla española, dondequiera que este público esté. En este sentido nos vemos como continuadores de una línea de editores, traductores y poetas que han insistido, a veces con las herramientas más rudimentarias, en el tendido de los puentes más necesarios. Gracias al trabajo y al apoyo de todos los poetas y los traductores que aquí han participado (especialmente Demetria Martínez en Albuquerque y Jesús J. Barquet en Las Cruces) podemos presentar esta breve colección de poesía de Nuevo México, una poesía que con una amplia visión estética y social busca tender puentes en todas direcciones.
Héctor Contreras López (Chihuahua, 1959) es autor de los poemarios Las manos del sueño (1985), Señora de los cangrejos (1993), Conversaciones con la ciudad (2005) y Memoria de la piedra (2006). Este último había recibido Mención de Honor del Premio Binacional de Poesía “Pellicer-Frost” en 1997. Reside en Albuquerque, donde estudia el doctorado en Literatura Hispanoamericana en la Universidad de Nuevo Mexico.
Nuevo México, la poesía y sus puentes portátilesHéctor Contreras López
OTROS ÁMBITOS (La sección OTROS ÁMBITOS continúa en la página siguiente)
DECIR DEL AGUA / Segundo ciclo / Séptima entrega / Julio de 2008 Lilia Luján:Fusiones. Técnica mixta sobre lienzo, 2006, 80 x 100 cms.Sección a cargo de Héctor Contreras López, editor invitadoTextos seleccionados por Héctor Contreras López y Jesús J. BarquetAunque la muestra de poesía de Nuevo México que los lectores tienen ante sí no es una selección representativa (la poesía nativoamericana es un ejemplo), sí nos ofrece muy claramente la diversidad de orígenes y experiencias, de estilos y temas que caracterizan la poesía neomexicana actual. Los dos polos urbanos que aglutinan la práctica vital de los poetas aquí incluidos son Albuquerque y Las Cruces. Una buena parte del universo que sus textos nos presentan proviene de estos espacios urbanos; sin embargo, sus voces también cruzan los límites de la ciudad para encontrarse cara a cara con la historia local y sus resonancias emocionales en un paisaje desértico o montañoso, en los pueblos o en otras ciudades más allá del cambiante horizonte. Después de todo, la historia neomexicana incluye el aporte cultural de familias que jamás cruzaron la frontera y que después de la firma del Tratado de Guadalupe Hidalgo se quedaron a vivir en un espacio que desde entonces han considerado familiar. Por otro lado, Nuevo México es rico en transplantes antiguos y recientes, en individuos y familias que han llegado casi por accidente y que se han quedado, enraizándose profundamente, trayendo consigo los ecos de otras voces, de otros lugares junto con sus historias, como varios de los poetas reunidos aquí lo ejemplifican.Durante la época colonial, el Camino Real fue la vía que permitió la comunicación y el intercambio comercial entre el norte de Nuevo México, la Ciudad de México y todos los puntos intermedios. A diferencia de nosotros, los viajeros se ocupaban de otro tipo de fronteras, como los Médanos de Samalayuca, la Jornada del Muerto o el Río Bravo/Grande; la difusa frontera política estaba en otra parte. Esta relación tan estrecha entre el suroeste de los Estados Unidos y el norte de México nos dice, por ejemplo, que en lugar de estar alzando muros, deberíamos estar construyendo más puentes; la poesía y la traducción son dos de los puentes portátiles que han acompañado a una gran cantidad de viajeros, dondequiera que han tenido que cruzar cualquier tipo de frontera.Es a través de poemas como estos que podemos viajar a Europa, a México, a Centro y Sudamérica; es a través de la traducción que podemos reconocernos en los otros, que podemos leernos también a nosotros mismos, iguales y diferentes a la vez.Al invitarlos a participar en este proyecto, varios de los poetas nos comentaron con asombro e interés que esta sería la primera vez que sus poemas iban a ser traducidos al español. El desconocimiento, la resistencia que nuestras sociedades esgrimen, nos dicen mucho sobre los muros invisibles que han existido por mucho tiempo en esta y en otras fronteras. Pero esta novedad relativa de la traducción de poesía también nos habla de todas las posibilidades que tenemos ante nosotros. No se trata solamente de que el español siga siendo una fuerza viva dentro de los Estados Unidos (cosa de la que los mismos hablantes se están haciendo cargo); se trata también de que lo que se escribe en inglés, la poesía, en este caso, pueda encontrar sus lectores entre un público de habla española, dondequiera que este público esté. En este sentido nos vemos como continuadores de una línea de editores, traductores y poetas que han insistido, a veces con las herramientas más rudimentarias, en el tendido de los puentes más necesarios. Gracias al trabajo y al apoyo de todos los poetas y los traductores que aquí han participado (especialmente Demetria Martínez en Albuquerque y Jesús J. Barquet en Las Cruces) podemos presentar esta breve colección de poesía de Nuevo México, una poesía que con una amplia visión estética y social busca tender puentes en todas direcciones.
Héctor Contreras López (Chihuahua, 1959) es autor de los poemarios Las manos del sueño (1985), Señora de los cangrejos (1993), Conversaciones con la ciudad (2005) y Memoria de la piedra (2006). Este último había recibido Mención de Honor del Premio Binacional de Poesía “Pellicer-Frost” en 1997. Reside en Albuquerque, donde estudia el doctorado en Literatura Hispanoamericana en la Universidad de Nuevo Mexico.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Fundraising a storm!
the past few months have been excessively occupied with fund raising, $3700 in April and currently $ 3300 due in just over two weeks time, closer to three weeks in fact. In hopes (as said here in the USA) that the result will be at leat $500 - $600 a month more spendable income (disposable?) than at present, in the foreseeable future, for life in C/O the British Government . the possibilities are endless for speculation, ripe and otherwise as to what will happen after this event (APS) and will be interesting to look back in a year's time to see where this wealth will all end up and in whose pockets? Booksellers a good amount and travel agents as well as healthfood stores as will university fellowship applications and poetry award applications too.
I am writing this blog on a 98 degree day in July here in Albuquerque, southwest USA at the medical school library before heading out for a good walk. I spent a good part of this day out of the heat developing my websites of which there may be 10 accounts now with twitter, myspace, facebook, linkedin, authorsden, artmajeur, decirdelagua, walkertracker, and others I can't put a finger on right now but they are existing in hyper real virtual space (somewhere) on planet Earth.
the last couple days have been extremely active interacting with text message precision with Rome and the world in general. Frightening it could very well be seen or perceived as in the lightening quick stroke of a digital keyboard where there is no shame to be found except in the reflections and the vast distances of communications where one texter is in night and the other in daylight. No guilt no shame only prestidigitation like a piano player stuck in space creating a verbal dream of fragmentation.
\PS I am reading Kazantzakis' St Francis, a diary of Assisi.
I am writing this blog on a 98 degree day in July here in Albuquerque, southwest USA at the medical school library before heading out for a good walk. I spent a good part of this day out of the heat developing my websites of which there may be 10 accounts now with twitter, myspace, facebook, linkedin, authorsden, artmajeur, decirdelagua, walkertracker, and others I can't put a finger on right now but they are existing in hyper real virtual space (somewhere) on planet Earth.
the last couple days have been extremely active interacting with text message precision with Rome and the world in general. Frightening it could very well be seen or perceived as in the lightening quick stroke of a digital keyboard where there is no shame to be found except in the reflections and the vast distances of communications where one texter is in night and the other in daylight. No guilt no shame only prestidigitation like a piano player stuck in space creating a verbal dream of fragmentation.
\PS I am reading Kazantzakis' St Francis, a diary of Assisi.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Hurricane Volunteer NOLA
I tried unsuccessfully (I might add) to write this blog in New Orleans where I have been hiding recently (two weeks) as an unpaid volunteer wiring houses for future single parent and girl child in St Roch in the 9th ward. At the time I had just been contacted for a research project about a 1881/1882 hanging in New Mexico which coincides well with the timeline of the bio on Zeke Cortez I have been engaged in for the last 12 years even if my acquisitions editor at University New Mexico Press has just been fired on economic grounds not on competence grounds. One of the hanged is named Espinosa and that fits my biography history to a high degree of coincidence. Anyway thats what was intended to be in the blog but now I am back in New Mexico it almost seems redundant. Still tired from the 24 hour ride on a greyhound bus leaving nola in the middle of a tornado and almost killing or succeeding in maiming a drunken woman standing in the road as we entered the downtown area (arena) on the way home here to Albuquerque yesterday afternoon. Got a lot taken care of today and will sleep like a log tonite. A'men!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
So Frederick Nolan is doing a project on an 1881 hanging which took place in NM in 1881/2 and I am transported as I sit here in the crossroads missions office in New Orleans where I am serving as a volunteer two years on from my original visit here in 2007 to help clean up after the huge/horrendous Hurrcane Katrina of 2005 (August 29th). In the is 'hood' of St Roch I am with a group from the Desire Street ministries off of Higgins and Spain interesection. It is a ministry run by Ben and his wife who minister to local communities. They both recieved MAs from Georgia in theological training as an arts degree. The transportation refers to Wales and mine and FN's origins there/back there in the last century (20th) . THE COINCIDENCE REGARDNG THE TRIPLE HANGING IN 1881/1882 IN LOS LUNAS. The victims included an Espinosa who must have been related to someone n he family I am aready writing a biography on/about in the 20th century who was a navy commander (CO of NM navy reserves and marines in the southwest and NM itself between 1968 and 1970 upon his retirement
I have been here for two weeks and preparing to return to NM by Greyhound (bus) having been employed as an electrical lnstaller in houses here which will go to a deserving single parent and child which is decided by the local CDC or St Roch (parish) corporation the bussiness arm of the parish council...
I have been here for two weeks and preparing to return to NM by Greyhound (bus) having been employed as an electrical lnstaller in houses here which will go to a deserving single parent and child which is decided by the local CDC or St Roch (parish) corporation the bussiness arm of the parish council...
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Taking a chance!
This morning was about as cold as I seemed to have remembered it in January in NM but the point I want to make is that cold sprung a memory for me in me and for me when I recall the way it all started way back then in New York. The cop said to me at (like) 3:00am in the mrning: "Take a chance" in answer to my question to him. The cold gets into the act because I remember going for my first ever construction job in America on a day exactly like this one, and no gloves meant I had to survive the day snowed up and in at the site. I made it through the day and for possible another 360 or so odd days building a hotel in downtown Albuquerque, NM. The question I asked the new York cop dangerously or not was if it would be 'safe' walking through the city from Penn Station to the Port Authority at that early yet robust time of day without a weapon. Thinking about starting a new story gave me the impetus to relive the cold in a new and different way by using it, the story, as a memoir...
Thursday, January 1, 2009
New Year 2009
2009. Its 6:08 am on the first day of the year and darkness waits outside the house, and the cold new year. I had some toast and jam and a boiled egg (Ugh!) and now am reflecting the doin's of yesterday as I seemed to 'run-in-to' so many of my former friends and acquaintances such as terry and dawn my erstwhile goddaughter and and former roomate/partner, naturally at the frontier restaurant and just as I was leaving or about to leave. bottom line, we spent a fun few minutes recasting our thoughts and minds back to the previous decade. It was shocking to see dawn so tall and blonde and blue-eyed and terry was looking quite the debonair mother dressed nicely too! Dawn went to Morroco in the summer and we talked about marakech. I told her that friends of a friend (lab) had bought a riad there and her (dawn's) reaction was quite interesting to see.
In the eve/afternoon around 5:00 at the flying rainbow coffee shop I sat to read duras and tom miller, a late Christmas present, and got into conversation with a lady from the Indian Cultural Center, talking about indian pueblo dances at San Juan and Jemez and Santa Domingo. Her name was/is Melanie! Before that on walking past the Il Vicino I was called from behind and there was Jason, Maggies son calling for me to join him after his workshift had just ended. Got into conversation with a Tony England about the Zeke Cortez Biography!
Walkin on Central home back to Colombia I reflected on the meaning of Christmas and other New Year celebrations between avoiding suspicious looking characters dawdling and hanging around in dangerous looking circumstances. Went to bed at about 6:50pm!
In the eve/afternoon around 5:00 at the flying rainbow coffee shop I sat to read duras and tom miller, a late Christmas present, and got into conversation with a lady from the Indian Cultural Center, talking about indian pueblo dances at San Juan and Jemez and Santa Domingo. Her name was/is Melanie! Before that on walking past the Il Vicino I was called from behind and there was Jason, Maggies son calling for me to join him after his workshift had just ended. Got into conversation with a Tony England about the Zeke Cortez Biography!
Walkin on Central home back to Colombia I reflected on the meaning of Christmas and other New Year celebrations between avoiding suspicious looking characters dawdling and hanging around in dangerous looking circumstances. Went to bed at about 6:50pm!
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